New Premium Starter Kit available April 5th, 2016

Introducing the NEW U.S. Premium Starter Kit (PSK)!!


The Premium Essential Oils Collection includes the following 10 oils and blends:

5 ml Singles:
5 ml Blends:
Also included:
  • Bonus Oil: 5 ml Stress Away
  • AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment


    AromaGlide fitment

  • 10 Sample Packets
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
  • 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
  • Product Guide and Product Price List
  • Essential Oil Magazine
  • Essential Edge
  • Member Resources
  • Your choice of one of 4 diffusers!

diffuser psk 4

Because of unexpected, unprecedented growth of Young Living last year, the kits for new members were out of stock for a while. In response, Young Living has introduced Flex oils. If there is a shortage of one or more of the oils above, it will be replaced by the following:

Flex Oils:

Young Living understands how important it is to make a good impression with new members as they join the Young Living family. Drawing inspiration from business trendsetters, these Starter Kits showcase a newly designed experience that’s both innovative and more intuitive.

There’s never been a better time to take the leap!

OK, Tell me how to get started


Click HERE to order today!

Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.

New Premium Starter Kit ~ 20 June 2015

Introducing the NEW U.S. Premium Starter Kit (PSK)!!

Young Living listens.  In response to feedback from it’s members the all new PSK has been unveiled giving it’s old and new members a wealth of options to choose from.  Here is what’s included in the new kit:


The Premium Essential Oils Collection includes the following 10 oils and blends:

5 ml Singles:
5 ml Blends:
Also included:
  • Bonus Oil: 5 ml Stress Away
  • AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment


    AromaGlide fitment

  • 10 Sample Packets
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
  • 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
  • Product Guide and Product Price List
  • Essential Oil Magazine
  • Essential Edge
  • Member Resources
  • Your choice of one of 4 diffusers!

diffuser psk

Because of unexpected, unprecedented growth of Young Living last year, the kits for new members were out of stock for a while.  In response, Young Living has introduced Flex oils.   If there is a shortage of one or more of the oils above, it will be replaced by the following:

Flex Oils:

Young Living understands how important it is to make a good impression with new members as they join the Young Living family. Drawing inspiration from business trendsetters, these Starter Kits showcase a newly designed experience that’s both innovative and more intuitive.

There’s never been a better time to take the leap!

OK, Tell me how to get started


Click HERE to order today!

Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.

I got my Premium Starter Kit from Young Living…now what?

Now what?

I see this all the time on forums: “My premium starter kit just came in the mail!! Now what do I do with them?”

It’s easy to become overwhelmed with your oils and you’ll find that a lot of it is trial and error as different oils react differently from person to person.   I’ve put together some good rules to start you off on the right foot.

1. Dilute with a carrier oil, such as organic cold pressed coconut oil, sweet almond oil, or jojoba oil.  Mixing your oil with a carrier oil does NOT dilute the benefits, it just allows you to spread it around more and minimizes potential for a negative reaction.  If you can’t find them in town at your local health food store, then has a good selection. For most  situations, 2-5% dilution is enough.

dilution chart EO - Copy

dilution ratios

2. Do a patch test first.   Don’t assume that just because oils are natural they can’t hurt you or your skin.  A patch test will ensure that you don’t react negatively before you slather it all over your body!

3. Invest in a book If you are serious about incorporating oils into your life, then usage books will be your essential oil bible.  Seriously.  There are many out there but I can’t tell you which ones – sorry!

4. Use your upline.  You can find your upline information in the Young Living virtual office.  They are there to help you.  USE THEM.  Otherwise, join some forums.  Bookmark this blog.  Research, research, research!

5.  Most importanly, be safe. 🙂

essential oil safety

OK, Tell me how to get started


Click HERE to order today!

Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.

BATH SALTS using essential oils


What kind of salt do I use?

Sea Salt, Epsom salt, Dead Sea Salt, Kosher salt or a combination of salts. Salts can come in several grain sizes and combining them can make a visually appealing mix. Keep in mind larger salts take longer to dissolve and can be painful on sensitive tushies.

What else can I add?

Some people use 1/4 cup baking soda per 1 cup salt to add a bit of fizz to their bath.  Others add carrier oils such as Jojoba oil or fractionated coconut oil for added moisturization.  To be super fancy you can add small bits of dried herbs or flowers for accents (lavender, rose petals, rosemary). Also, these salts make great gifts and adding 1-2 drops of food or soap coloring adds a wonderfully flair!  Note: Be VERY careful about adding coloring to your bath salts as using too much food coloring may stain the skin or your tub.  Find soap colorants on amazon HERE

How many drops of essential oil do I add?

Again, this is mostly personal taste. 5-10 drops of essential oil per cup of salt is a good place to start.   Use approximately 1/2 cup of salt per bath.

How do I mix them?

Add your salts into a stainless steel bowl and add your coloring, baking soda, oil or flower bits first.  Mix well.  Then add your essential oils.  Let oils dry for a couple hours before putting in an air tight glass jar.

How do I  use them?

Use 1/4 to 1/2 cup of bath salt mix in a regular sized tub.  Pour salt in a warm bath and wait for the salt to dissolve.  Did you know you can also use bath salts in the shower?  Just grab a handful and add a little bit of shower gel and gently massage on your skin to exfoliate dead skin cells.

Ready to get started? 

relaxing bath salts

In addition to using single oils by themselves, here are a few other ideas below:

Try these other combinations once you expand your collection:

Relax: Melaleuca (Tea Tree) and Lavender

Bad Day Buster: Eucalyptus and Citrus Fresh

Confidence: Citrus Fresh and Idaho Blue Spruce

Uplifting: Bergamot and Pine

Happy Happy Joy Joy: Frankincense and Geranium

Romance: Ylang Ylang and Jasmine

Energizer: Eucalyptus, wintergreen

Soothing: Jasmine and rose

Invigorating: Any combo of citrus oils!!

OK, Tell me how to get started


Click HERE to order today!

Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.

Young Living Combinations to Diffuse

Just received your Premium Starter Kit and aren’t sure what to do with all those great smelling oils?

On the fence about purchasing the kit because you just aren’t sure you’d use them?

Love your candles but worried about the safety of leaving them unattended?

…or worse, discharging potential dangerous chemicals as they burn?

Either way DIFFUSING oils is an easy and aromatic way to introduce yourself to essential oils.  You can diffuse single oils, blends, or make your own combo to suit your mood and your preferences.   It’s really that easy!

Diffusing essential oils is more than just making the room smell nice, however.  When  you diffuse therapeutic grade essential oils, such as Young Living Essential Oils, molecules are broken up into micro-fine mist particles. These mist particles stay suspended in the air for long periods of time. Not only does this help reduce odors in the air, but these micro-mist particles promote a healthy, natural, and pure living environment.

Candles can’t do that!

Diffusing essential oils without heat can also help:

  • Reduce unpleasant odors.
  • Relax the mind and body.
  • May enhance mood and uplift spirits.
  • Promote concentration, alertness, and mental clarity.
  • Promotes general sense of well-being.

Lots of good reasons to start diffusing.  How many drops you use is largely a matter of preference.  Essential Oils are incredibly potent and therefore I would recommend you start small as you can always add more if you feel you need to.  I like to start with 6 drops total and will increase that to no more than 9 if I really feel like I need more of a boost.

Here are a few combinations using the aromatic oils in your Premium Starter Kit!

diffuser blends

Once you start your journey you’ll be acquiring all sorts of new oils along the way.  Here are some more wonderful blends to enjoy with Young Livings aromatic oils:

OK, Tell me how to get started


Click HERE to order today!

Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.

Thieves® Vitality Essential Oil


THIEVES® Vitality 


OH how I love me some Thieves® oil.  This oil packs quite the punch and it smells like a slice of spiced heaven.   Thieves® is a blend of clove, lemon cinnamon, eucalyptus radiata, and rosemary – seriously – purifying the air never smelled quite so good.

There is a sordid back story behind the name of Thieves® essential oil blend.  Legend says that during the 15th century 4 thieves were captured and charged with robbing the dead and the dying during the Bubonic Plague.  When offered leniency in exchange for information about how they were able to rob graves and not contract the plague themselves, they spoke of a blend of aromatic herbs and spices they rubbed on themselves prior to their crimes.   And as such, the legend of Thieves® Essential Oil Blend was born.


How to use: For internal use. To use as a dietary supplement, add to food, water or other beverages. Can also place a few drops in a vegetable capsule and take internally to support overall wellness.

  1. Flavor:  Add to food or beverages to enhance the flavor. Add a drop to hot drinks to add a spicy zing.(Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Rosemary)
  2. Wellness: May contribute to overall wellness when taken as a dietary supplement.*
  3. Beverages:  Add 1 drop Thieves to 2 drops Orange essential oil as a refreshing flavor to complement your favorite beverage.
  4. Immune system support: Take in a capsule to help support a healthy immune system.*
  5. Tea: Add a single drop to hot tea as part of a daily wellness regimen.*

Want some Thieves® Essential Oil blend for yourself?

OK, Tell me how to get started


Click HERE to order today!

*Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.

10 uses for Peace and Calming® Essential Oil Blend


topical aromatic

Peace & Calming® is a pretty transparent oil.  Transparent in that it means what it says and says what it does.

Peace and Calming® is a gentle, fragrant blend of Orange, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Tangerine and Blue Tansy essential oils with an aroma that’s comforting and freshens the air. Diffuse to create a calming and peaceful atmosphere throughout the home. Peace & Calming is a must have for every household, especially those with young children.

peace and calming YL micro

I find that it smells mostly of Patchouli and  is a deeply relaxing and serene oil to diffuse.  Have you ever been to a hypnotist show? Or done one of those relaxation/mediation exercises? In both of these situations you mentally imagine each part of your body, relaxing first your head, then your neck, then your shoulders etc, each body part getting heavier and heavier,  you melt into the bed and couldn’t move if you wanted to.  This the reaction I get from Peace & Calming® but with much less effort.

Here are some other uses for  Peace & Calming® essential oil blend.

  1. Calm: Helps create a calming and relaxing environment when diffused or used topically
  2. Children: Diffuse to promote a calming environment for children or in my case, grumpy husbands.
  3. Bath: Add a few drops to Epsom salt before adding to a bath for a relaxing soak. Have someone come check on you after a while – you don’t want to turn into a prune!
  4. Meditation: Offers a peaceful aroma for yoga and meditation when diffused.PC
  5. Massage: Massage Peace & Calming essential oil blend on the reflex points of the feet and back of the neck for a soothing and relaxing effect.
  6. Holidays: Visiting in-laws?  Peace and calming will be your best friend 🙂
  7. Mind: Calm an overactive mind with 2-3 drops rubbed onto legs or arms. Pair with lavender for a great smelling and effective nighttime routine
  8. Perfume: Use as perfume behind ears and on wrists. Alternately, add to a diffuser necklace or a silk scarf to have the scent with you all day long!
  9. Pets: Rub Peace & Calming essential oil blend behind overactive pets’ ears after an afternoon of playing with the kids.
  10. Relaxation and rest: Rub Peace & Calming essential oil blend on feet to release tension and promote a good night’s rest.
  11. Diffuse: Diffuse Peace & Calming to freshen the air.

Cruising the web I found my favorite testimonial EVER at Essential Wellness

Mary E. Hoose submitted the following tip:
“I have a work associate who was getting married and was very nervous. I gave her a bottle of Peace and Calming® and she used it for about three months …. The big day arrived and she even put Peace and Calming® on a cotton ball and placed it in the center of her bouquet. Every time she [wanted a peaceful and relaxing environment] she would smell her bouquet. Thanks to Peace and Calming® the day went very smoothly.”

How great is that?

Want some Peace & Calming® Essential Oil for yourself?

OK, Tell me how to get started


Click HERE to order today!

Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.

5 uses for Valor® Essential Oil Blend


(A very different kind of liquid courage)

topical aromatic

Valor® essential oil blend is a top seller and one of Young Living founder D. Gary Young’s favorite blends. Apply to wrists, chest, base of neck, and bottoms of feet or add to Young Living Bath & Shower Gel Base to feel empowered and uplifted. You may also apply at bedtime or diffuse, inhale, or add 2–4 drops to bath water to enjoy its calming aroma. Valor can be an important blend in Young Living’s signature Raindrop Technique®, and it is also a great addition to a full-body massage when 15–20 drops are added to V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex.

Valor® is an empowering blend that promotes feelings of strength, courage, and protection. Valor is also believed to support energy alignment.  It combines the soothing properties of Frankincense essential oil with the pleasant scents and soothing powers of Rosewood, Blue Tansy and Spruce essential oils.

Young Living named this blend Valor because the oils in it were used by Roman soldiers to bathe in before going into battle to give them strength and courage.



There are few things more terrifying to me than walking into a room full of strangers and being expected to socialize.  For those of you familiar with Myers Briggs Personality type index I’m an ISTJ  (that’s Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging).  But it’s the introverted part that makes social situations so scary.   I’m certainly not going to tell you that when I use Valor all my fears fade into the background and I walk confidently into that room with my head held high and become the life of the party.  No, that doesn’t happen.  But it DOES take the edge off and quiets the mind some.

How to use: For aromatic or topical use. Diffuse, inhale, or add to bath water. Apply to crown of head, back of neck, behind ears or inside wrists. Possible skin sensitivity.

  1. Feet: Add 15–20 drops to V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and use for a relaxing foot massage
  2. Bath: Add to bath water and enjoy it’s calming aroma before bedtimecourage
  3. Uplift: Diffuse in your house to encourage an uplifting mood and the moods of others in your home, office or classroom
  4. Stage Fright: Need to give a presentation? Interviewing for a new job? Meeting your significant other’s parents for the first time? Dab on your wrists, base of neck or diffuse

Want some  Valor®  Essential Oil for yourself?

OK, Tell me how to get started


Click HERE to order today!

*Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.

10 uses for Joy® Essential Oil Blend

UPDATE: As of June 19, 2015 Young Living’s Premium Starter kit was completely revamped.  As a result Joy is no longer featured as part of the kit.  Never fear!  Joy is still available as a blend so go to and order yours today!

To read more about this change, please click HERE.


topical aromatic

Joy™ is a luxuriously exotic blend containing essential oils that harmonize for a sweet, joyful aroma. When diffused, Joy creates a warm, comforting environment and inspires a romantic aromatic atmosphere. Wear Joy as a cologne or perfume to exude an alluring and irresistible fragrance that inspires romance and togetherness

I mean seriously, is this a pot of chili or an essential oil blend?  It is jam PACKED with all kinds of smelly goodness.

Joy ingredients


Joy® is just what the name implies – joyful.  It is a bright, refreshing spring day.   It promotes emotional well being. It is sugar and spice and everything nice.

singles Frankincense facial (2)

I will admit that Joy is not my favorite oil.  It is a bit too flowery for my personal taste but I have to admit it is damn hard to stay mad warticle-2347351-1A7BAD0F000005DC-163_634x424hen this is diffusing in the room.   It just makes me want to put my arms out and spin like Julie Andrews in the Alps!  But just because it isn’t my favorite doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the benefits if provides.  Here are just a few examples of how to use Joy essential oil blend:

  1. Mood Enhancer: It’s pretty difficult to stay grumpy when this is diffusing through the house. It smells like you are standing in the middle of a fragrant flower garden!
  2. Perfume: Many people wear it as perfume behind their ears and on the inside of their wrists
  3. Emotional health: Rub a drop or 2 over the heart to promote emotional well being with this uplifting scent*
  4. Massage: Combine with a carrier oil and ask your spouse or partner to give you a massage. I am not responsible for what happens next!
  5. Freshen Clothes: Add a few drops to a clean towel and throw it in the dryer for fresh smelling clothes
  6. Potpourri: Add a few drops to your favorite potpourri to give it a fresh scent
  7. Air Freshener: Diffuse to make the house smell wonderfully fragrant.
  8. Unwind: Add to YL Bath & Shower Gel Base to relax and calm as you unwind from a long day.
  9. Car freshener: Add a drop to a cotton ball and place in your air vents
  10. The mood: Diffuse to inspire a romantic, aromatic

OK, Tell me how to get started


Click HERE to order today!

*Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.

9 uses for Lavender Essential Oil


(Lavandula angustifolia)

topical aromatic

One of the most versatile of Young Living’s Essential Oil arsenal and a “must-have” for any household serious about getting started with essential oils.   Lavender is like a Swiss Army Knife in a bottle. Young Living Lavender Oil is wonderful to soothe the skin.  Consider this blurb from Young living’s site:

Lavender is an adaptogen, and therefore can assist the body when adapting to … imbalances. It is a great aid for relaxing and winding down before bedtime, yet has balancing properties that can also boost stamina and energy. Therapeutic-grade lavender is highly regarded for skin and beauty. It may be used to soothe…skin.

All that and it smells great too!  Who doesn’t enjoy the wonderfully aromatic scent of lavender.   This powerhouse of an essential oil is a must have for any household.


How to use: For aromatic or topical use. Diffuse, inhale, or add to bath water. Apply to crown of head, back of neck, behind ears or inside wrists. Possible skin sensitivity.

  1. Deodorize:  Place a few drops of lavender essential oil on a wet cloth or dryer sheet to deodorize and freshen your laundry.
  2. Sleep: Rub a few drops of lavender essential oil onto your hand and spread over your pillow to help promote restful sleep
  3. Bath: Unwind by adding a few drops to Epsom salt and adding to a nighttime bath
  4. Lotions:  Putting 1-2 drops in your products may complement some of your favorite shampoos, lotions, or skin care products.
  5. Relaxation: Diffuse lavender to calm, relax and soothe the spirits
  6. Diffuse: The balancing properties may help calm the body and clear and clarify the mind
  7. Skin: Cleanses and soothes minor skin irritations
  8. Sun: Can be soothing to the skin after a day in the sun
  9. Complexion: Enhances the appearance of a youthful complexion and reduces the appearance of blemishes



OK, Tell me how to get started


Click HERE to order today!

*Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.