5 uses for Valor® Essential Oil Blend


(A very different kind of liquid courage)

topical aromatic

Valor® essential oil blend is a top seller and one of Young Living founder D. Gary Young’s favorite blends. Apply to wrists, chest, base of neck, and bottoms of feet or add to Young Living Bath & Shower Gel Base to feel empowered and uplifted. You may also apply at bedtime or diffuse, inhale, or add 2–4 drops to bath water to enjoy its calming aroma. Valor can be an important blend in Young Living’s signature Raindrop Technique®, and it is also a great addition to a full-body massage when 15–20 drops are added to V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex.

Valor® is an empowering blend that promotes feelings of strength, courage, and protection. Valor is also believed to support energy alignment.  It combines the soothing properties of Frankincense essential oil with the pleasant scents and soothing powers of Rosewood, Blue Tansy and Spruce essential oils.

Young Living named this blend Valor because the oils in it were used by Roman soldiers to bathe in before going into battle to give them strength and courage.



There are few things more terrifying to me than walking into a room full of strangers and being expected to socialize.  For those of you familiar with Myers Briggs Personality type index I’m an ISTJ  (that’s Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging).  But it’s the introverted part that makes social situations so scary.   I’m certainly not going to tell you that when I use Valor all my fears fade into the background and I walk confidently into that room with my head held high and become the life of the party.  No, that doesn’t happen.  But it DOES take the edge off and quiets the mind some.

How to use: For aromatic or topical use. Diffuse, inhale, or add to bath water. Apply to crown of head, back of neck, behind ears or inside wrists. Possible skin sensitivity.

  1. Feet: Add 15–20 drops to V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and use for a relaxing foot massage
  2. Bath: Add to bath water and enjoy it’s calming aroma before bedtimecourage
  3. Uplift: Diffuse in your house to encourage an uplifting mood and the moods of others in your home, office or classroom
  4. Stage Fright: Need to give a presentation? Interviewing for a new job? Meeting your significant other’s parents for the first time? Dab on your wrists, base of neck or diffuse

Want some  Valor®  Essential Oil for yourself?

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Click HERE to order today!

*Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.