Animal Scents® Collection

Animal Scents® Collection

Last week I talked in general terms about using essential oils with animals and what precautions you need to take.  This week I wanted to take a closer look at the options that Young Living has to offer.  Not only does Young Living offer me non-toxic solutions for me and my beloved pet, I also love being a part of a company that gives back:

A portion of all proceeds from Animal Scents products goes to support Vital Ground, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the habitat of grizzly bears and other wide-roaming wildlife.

animal scents ointment

Animal Scents Ointment: a protective and soothing salve enhanced with Tea Tree and Myrrh essential oils.   The great thing about this salve is that it is so versatile!  You can use it on pets, humans, and accessories!! (hint: if you love Rose Ointment but don’t want to spend the money, Animal Scents Ointment is a great substitute!)

How to use: Clean the affected area. Apply as needed. If using Young Living® essential oils, apply oils prior to application of Animal Scents™ Ointment.

  1.  Use on specific areas on your pet or yourself to support healthy skin.
  2. If using essentials oils topically, use the oils first and then seal it with Animal Scents ointment.  It will help to seal the oil in and nourish your skin at the same time.
  3. Use a salve on your heels before going to bed at night
  4. Use to seal in moisture and promote healthy cuticles
  5. I like to use a small amount on my rough elbows and knees at night!
  6. A small amount of this ointment is all that is needed to sooth your skin after shaving
  7. Add a small amount to a cloth and use to clean and shine leather purses and shoes

Animal Scents Shampoo: cleans, conditions, and protects your pet’s coat without harmful ingredients. Formulated with five pure essential oils and other natural ingredients, this shampoo is safe and effective for animals.

How to use: Pour a small amount into palm and rub gentley between hands.  Massage thoroughly into pet’s wet coat.  Lather, rinse, repeat if necessary.  This shampoo is highly concentrated and may be diluted with water.

Animal Scents Dental Pet Chews: Tasty treats that support oral health with specially designed ridges that gently remove buildup on your pet’s teeth.  Plus, these chews contain no artificial colors or flavors

How to use: This product is intended for intermittent or supplemental feeding only. For 20+ lb. pets: give 2 chews per week. For 5-19 lb. pets: give 1/2 a chew 2 times a week. Adjust diet as needed to accommodate this chew. Consult a veterinarian for pets that are pregnant or under 5 lbs. before use.

Animal Scents Essential Oil Blends:

These blends are formulated with your pet’s health in mind!  PuriClean, InfectAway and Mendwell are most effective when used as a 3 part system.

Puriclean, InfectAway, and Mendwell:

How to use:

  • Add 1–2 drops topically.** 
  • Use an AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment to conveniently apply a generous amount.**
  • Put 8–10 drops in a 1-oz. spray bottle with distilled water for a quick skin-cleansing spritz.**

ParaGize: With a  proprietory blend of Ginger, Peppermint, Spearmint, and other supportive oils, ParaGize promotes healthy digestion.*

How to use:
  • Apply 1–2 drops topically to the abdominal area.**

RepelAroma: A unique combination of purifying and invigorating Citronella, Idaho Tansy, Palo Santo, and Tea Tree essential oils—your pet will love being outside!

How to use:

  • Apply 2–4 drops to your hands and pet onto your animal’s coat.**
  • Add to a 1 oz. spray bottle and spritz generously on your animal’s coat or skin**

T-Away: A soothing scent for your animal to support a new level of emotional freedom and joyful feelings.

How to use:

  •  Add 1 drop behind each ear to calm your pet**
  • Use an AromaGlide Roller Fitment to apply to the bottoms of paws or on the flanks.**

**Carefully apply according to the size and species of animal.  As a general rule dilute more for smaller species.

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Click HERE to order today!

*Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.

Animals and essential oils

Animals and essential oils

If your pet or animal has a medical issue, please consult with your veterinarian before administering essential oils.

When I say that essential oils can be enjoyed by the whole family, I mean the fur-babies too!   Why should they be left out of the fun?  But because our pets can’t tell us how oils make them feel, and are generally more sensitive to scents and oils than humans, we should proceed with caution and keep a few salient points in mind

  • Start by heavily diluting oils and using in moderation.  For instance, use one drop of oil mixed with 4-5 drops of carrier oil.  Monitor your pets reaction before proceeding further.  For larger pets, decrease dilution as needed.  Smaller animals should always be given a diluted dose.
  • Do not apply oils near a pets eyes, nose, mouth or other sensitive areas.
  • Do not use hot oils such as Wintergreen or Peppermint
  • Avoid using high-phenol oils such as Oregano, Clove and Thyme with any animals, especially cats.  Also, cats are generally adverse to citrus oils.
  • The smaller the animal, the less oil you should use.
  • To acclimate your animal to the scents of essential oils, try diffusing or wearing the oils as you are near your pet.
  • to apply topically:
    • For cats and dogs, the paws and pads are a great place to start
    • For hooved animals, apply to spine or flank
    • Try rubbing oils on your hands and then stroking on your pets fur
    • For larger areas, try mixing with water or carrier oils and spraying on your animal.  (Be careful around the eyes!)
    • Use Animal Scents Ointment to seal and protect any area where oils have been applied, if desired.

Animal Scents


A portion of all proceeds from Animal Scents products goes to support Vital Ground, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the habitat of grizzly bears and other wide-roaming wildlife.


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Click HERE to order today!

*Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.