Kunzea essential oil from Young Living

Kunzea essential oil

(Kunzea ambigua)

topical aromatic

New for 2018!!!  Young Living’s newest oil is Kunzea essential oil and was released at the 2018 convention.  Native to the southern coast of Australia and Tansmania, the kunzea plant is often called the  “white cloud” because of the fluffy, airy white and pink flowers that top it.  Native cultures have used the many benefits of the kunzea plant for centuries. Animals will sleep under the plant when they want a more peaceful outdoor experience.

Kunzea essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves and green branches of the plant, and it has a scent that is refreshing, spicy, and woodsy.

Kunzea is often compared to Tea Tree essential oil because of the similar uses and properties; however, it has a much more pleasant aroma when applied topically or diffused.   Some love the smell of Tea Tree, but to me Tea Tree oil smells like motor oil so this is a MUCH preferred scent.  Also, it’s great to use alongside Purification® to help purify the air.

Kunzea contains high levels of alpha-pinene and eucalyptol that help to soothe muscles and reduce the appearance of blemishes. It also has overlapping chemical constituents with oregano, tea tree, frankincense, hyssop, and lilac.


Features and Benefits:

  • Offers a clean, spicy, and woodsy aroma
  • Has comparable properties to Tea Tree oil
  • Contains high levels of alpha-pinene and eucalyptol—helps to soothe fatigued muscles and reduce the appearance of blemishes
  • Helps purify the air from unwanted odors

How to use: For aromatic or topical use.  Diffuse, inhale, or add to bath water.  Apply to crown of head, back of neck, behind ears or inside wrists.  Possible skin sensitivity.

  1. Diffuse Kunzea helps create a relaxing atmosphere and a refreshing respiratory experience with it’s woodsy aroma.
  2. You can also diffuse Kunzea to purify the air from unwanted odors with it’s clean, crisp smell.  Try adding to a cotton ball and placing in your stinky shoes overnight!
  3. Apply to fatigued muscles. Kunzea is high in the naturally occurring constituents alpha-pinene and eucalyptol, which makes it great for a soothing massage.  Add to V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex to use as a massage or after workout to help soothe
    fatigued muscles
  4. Add Kunzea to your daily skin care routine and apply topically to your face to reduce the appearance of blemishes.
  5. Add a few drops to your Thieves® Household Cleaner when cleaning your home; you’ll love the added fresh scent!

OK, Tell me how to get started


Click HERE to order today!

*Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.

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