Cypress essential oil


(Cupressus sempervirens)

topical aromatic

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) is especially comforting during the winter season. Its fresh, herbaceous, slightly evergreen aroma is refreshing and energizing.

Derived from the branches of the tall evergreen tree, Cypress is frequently used in spas and by massage therapists.  It has a grounding, yet stimulating effect on the emotions, making it a popular oil to diffuse during times of transition or loss.
How to use: For aromatic or topical use. Diffuse, inhale, or add to bath water. Apply to crown of head, back of neck, behind ears or inside wrists. Possible skin sensitivity.
  1. Grounding:  Spiritually grounding, diffuse Cypress to promote feelings of security and stability.
  2. Skin Care: Cypress is a wonderful oil to add to your nightly skin care lotion*
  3. Deodorant: Cypress has a very spicy and masculine scent and is perfect for men to use in place of store bought deodorant.
  4. Closet or dresser drawer: place sachet on closet or dresser drawer to infuse clothes with scent.
  5. Diffuse Cypress with White Fir and Cedarwood for a manly scent on game day!

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*Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.

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