Eucalyptus Globulus, Eucalyptus Blue, Eucalyptus Radiata

 Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus

topical aromatic

There are over 700 species of eucalyptus according to wikipedia.  So when you buy an oil that is just labeled as “eucalyptus”, which of these 700 species are you getting?  Different species have different constituents which can alter the therapeutic usefulness of the oil.    That’s why it’s important to look at the SPECIES of essential oil you are using.

Eucalyptus species, in general, can be dangerous around infants and pregnant women.  Please research the oils carefully so you can make an informed decision about what is safe for you and your family.

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Eucalyptus Globulus – Aromatic and Topical use

  • Eucalyptol 70-90%  (Eucalyptol is what gives eucalyptus it’s fresh, camphor-like smell)
  • Alpha-Pinene 1-5%
  • Para-Cymene 1-5%
  • Limonene 6-9%

Eucalyptus Globulus has a fresh, penetrating scent. It contains a high percentage of the constituent eucalyptol, a key ingredient in many mouth rinses. Applied topically, it is often used to support the respiratory system and to soothe muscles after exercise.

Uses for eucalyptus globulus:

How to use: For aromatic or topical use. Diffuse, inhale, or add to bath water. Apply to crown of head, back of neck,behind ears or inside wrists. Possible skin sensitivity.

  1. Massage: use for massage after activity (Great to add to Ortho Sport massage oil!)
  2. Diffuse: Diffuse for a clean scent that invigorates the senses. Perfect to diffuse during your next workout!
  3. Face Cream: Embrace the cleansing benefits of Eucalyptus Globulus by adding a drop or two to your favorite facial cream! Be cautious around the eye area, as it can produce a tingling sensation
  4. Shower:  While showering, place 5-10 drops on a warm, wet washcloth and place in shower before showering  and inhale deeply to invigorate the senses.
  5. Aromatic steam: Add a few drops of Ravintsara to a bowl of steaming hot water. Lean your face over the bowl and drape a towel over your head and the bowl like a small tent. Breathe deeply and slowly to enjoy the aromatic steam.
  6. Bubble Bath: create a bubble bath for a soothing experience
  7. Breathe Fresh: Enjoy an uplifting experience by inhaling Eucalyptus Globulus directly or rubbing it on your chest.

eucalyptus bubble bath

Eucalyptus Blue (Eucalyptus bicostata) – Aromatic and Topical use

  • Eucalyptol 40-80%
  • Alpha-Pinene 10-30%
  • Aromadendrene <7%
  • Limonene 4-8%

Eucalyptus Blue has a fresh, balanced, invigorating aroma and is a cross between Eucalyptus Citriodora and Eucalyptus Globulus.  Although it contains a high percentage of eucalyptol, because of its balanced chemical constituents, it is the only eucalyptus that has been found  that does not cause an allergic reaction in people who have allergies to eucalyptol.  For this reason, Eucalyptus Blue is preferred over many of the eucalyptus species.

Uses for eucalyptus blue:

How to use: For aromatic or topical use. Diffuse, inhale, or add to bath water. Apply to crown of head, back of neck,behind ears or inside wrists. Possible skin sensitivity.

  1. Diffuse: Diffuse to promote a calming environment. Wake up your afternoon by diffusing Eucalyptus Blue in your home or office.
  2. Massage: use for massage after activity.
  3. Post workout: Cool down after a hard workout by adding a few drops of Eucalyptus Blue to a cold, wet washcloth and wiping your face and neck.

Eucalyptus Radiata – Aromatic and Topical use

  • Eucalyptol 60-75%
  • Alpha-Pinene 2-6%
  • Alpha Terpineol 5-10%
  • Limonene 4-8%

Eucalyptus Radiata is cooling, refreshing, and energizing. Lighter in smell than Eucalyptus globulus, it has many of the same supportive properties. Because it is relatively gentle and nonirritating, it is the preferred choice for children (Do not use directly on nasal passages, however.  Not suitable for infants). Eucalyptus Radiata can be used in your favorite household cleaners, and is an important ingredient in Breathe Again™ Roll-On, Thieves®, and R.C.™ essential oil blends, Inner Defense™, and Ortho Ease® Massage Oil.This variety is one of the most versatile of the eucalyptus oils and is suitable for topical use, diffusing, and even direct inhalation.

Uses for eucalyptus radiata:

How to use: For aromatic or topical use. Diffuse, inhale, or add to bath water. Apply to crown of head, back of neck,behind ears or inside wrists. Possible skin sensitivity.

  1. Cleaners: Add to your favorite household cleaner for a burst of extra freshness.
  2. Shower: Turn your shower into a spa by adding 5­–10 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata on a warm, damp washcloth and placing it just out of direct contact with the water before showering. It will create a cool, refreshing experience—perfect for a post-workout pick-me-up!
  3. Massage: use for massage after activity (great when added to OrthoSport massage oil!) or to soothe your tired footsies
  4. Diffuse: Diffuse for a stimulating and rejuvenating environment
  5. Odors: Kick the stale odors out of closets, attics, and anywhere else they may loom with a DIY room refresher spray powered by Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil.

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Disclaimer: I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and I am not endorsed by the Young Living Corporation. None of what I talk about on this site has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered physician and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools based on my own personal experiences.


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